Cognitae is the classification of all species able to develop affixes. While most are classified as Animalia, some Macroglophus can classify as Cognitae.


Wonters are what seem to be the default specie: they seem to originate from the same primitive ancestor. Wonters are bipedals, with mostly hairless skin, and naturally red & warm blooded. They don't naturally have appendages suc as tails, claws, horns or wings.
Wonder species include: Humans, Elves, Duegars, Shortlings, Orcs...


Parawonders share a lot of similarities with Wonders, but possess surnatural traits. They may sometimes be undistinguishables from Wonders on the surface, but their physionomy vastly differs.
Some paranatural species includes: Fey, Fiend, Celestial, Undead [classification to be updated]


While no two beastars are the same, they can generally be grouped in one of the following categories:

Mostly humanoid, only displays few animal traits; usually ears, tail, eyes, wings, teeth and/or horns/antlers

Displays animal traits over 40% of the body (excluding head). The distinction between the animalistic part and humanoid parts is clear.

Mostly humanoid in shape, body is usually covered in fur. Some features are slightly altered, but still distincly humanoid.

Head shape is no longer humanoid. Body is more animalistic, but still plantigrade. Usually doesn't have humanoid hair

Mostly animalistic, Digitigrade but still able to stand: there is a clear distinction between arms/hands and legs/feet. Hands usually have opposable thumbs or at least high manipulation capacities

Usually has the capacity to both stand and be polypedal. Little to no distinctions between hands and legs.

Looks like an non cognitae animal.


Anomalies are beings that do not fit in the above categories. Usually for Macroglopus, this category also applies to non-bioactive Cognitaes, such as skeletons, animated objects and constructs.


Monera (M)
Monocellular Organisms
Polycera (P)
Polycellular Organisms


M- Protorganism Requires a host to survive

M- Monorganism Autonomous survival

P- Animalia
P- Plantae
P- Fungi
P- Macroglopus



-Bacteria (basic cells)
-Protozoa (complex cells)
-Chytrids (Fungal cell) [ex;Yeast]
- Monoglopus (collaborative cells) [ex;Molds]

P- Animalia
-Endoskelus [Vertebrates]
-Exoskelus [Anthropod]
-Aniskelus [Non anthropod invertabrates]

P- Plantae
-Bryophta [mosses & worth]
-Pterudophta [ferns & horsetails]
-Monangia grasses & -like]
-Dicotangia [non-grass flowering]
-Coniferophta [conifers]

P- Fungi
-Mycelium [made of filaments]
-Soporcap [made of a fruitbody]
-Mushroom [made of a stem, cap and gills]

P- Macroglopus The defining trait of a macroglopus organism is the abscence of defined organs. Most Mactroglopuses are polyform by nature.