DISCLAIMER: minor spoilers for dungeon of the mad mage

This campain has ended afer many amzing years. Thank you to every player and especially the DM!

by me
by me
by me
by me
by me
Yasrinna [monolo]
Genesis [monolo]
When you roll 5 to draw a portrait [EDav1123]
Party! [EDav1123]
New members! [EDav1123]
by ViandeMoisie
by me
Screenshots & Edits!
Choreographed killing [vb6]
No context for you [me]
Varrn Diagram [aajjeee]
When the DM ''accidentally'' rolls the wrong dice [EDav1123]
Wizard on a stick [aajjeee]
Notorious nat-1er [EDav1123]
the very last game
ok its not the case yet but a lot of backup pcs are
Frog Bully [me]
Thats where the frog came from
Familiar Faces [me]
the blood minecart [me]
Party Loot
[2'200 pp] [30'295 gp] [15'750 sp] [17'000 cp] pour un total de [32'260]
  • [25] electrum pepper shaker
  • [25] pewter candlestick
  • [25] electrum teapot
  • [25] x6 Holy symbol in oscidient
  • [75] silver small key
  • [250] ornate coral statuette of a ship cresting a wave
  • [750] lapis lazuli dwarven beard comb set with gemstones
  • [750] collier fancy
  • [750] langue en or
  • [2500] platinum crown with black pearl inlay
  • [2500] mithral dwarven burial circlet set with four aquamarines
  • [2500] fancy Golden Deck Card
  • [2500] Tapistrie d'Andormède
  • [7500] elven helm made of leafed gold
  • [100]x4 garnet
  • [100]x5 flawed diamonds
  • [500]x6 ruby
  • [???]x5 yellow saphire
  • ∞ x Spell Component Cheat
  • 1 x Frigging cool bronze shield used to contain a devil
  • 1 x Healer Kit
  • 1 x Poisonner kit
  • 1 x Alchemist supply
  • 2 x runestones
  • 2 x sending stones
  • 1 x potion of invis
  • 1 x set de clé pour le shadowfell
  • 6 x forks
  • 1 x fourchette en argent avec un handle en araignée
  • 1 x Rouleau PQ vide
  • 1 x rusty warhammer
  • Les notes de Mili-Sarah sur le scénario
  • Tenebrous and the True Path to Lichdom
  • Musings of a Planar Traveler
  • The U'keth Prophecies,
  • Patterns in the Tapestry of Time
  • Whispers of a Bygone Truth
  • Tales of Existential Dread
  • Touched by the Far Realm: Wizard's Lamentable Descent into Lunacy
  • 4 x livre emo